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Connect to an Information & Referral Specialist now, press three simple digits 211
A friendly voice to talk with you, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
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Western Colorado 211
Para asistencia en Español, marca 211
Every hour of every day, hundreds of people need essential human services-they are looking for training, employment, food pantries, help for an aging parent, addiction prevention programs for their teenage children, affordable housing options, support groups and ways of becoming part of their community. 211 allows people to give help and to get help.
Region 4 of the Colorado 211 call centers serves Archuleta, Delta, Dolores, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Lake, La Plata, Mesa, Montezuma, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin, San Juan, and San Miguel Counties.
211 is the National abbreviated dialing code for FREE access to health and human services information and referral. Our goal is to help those with limited resources locate the programs in their area to assist them in their time of need for services such as food, financial assistance, home health services, transportation, medical and dental services to help cut through the confusion of calling agency after agency to locate the appropriate assistance.
Download our Guide to Adulting
Featuring Information for Young Adults About:
- Financial
- Housing
- Healthcare
- Legal
- Nurtrition
- Education and Employment
- Crisis Management
Download our Resource Guide for Parents of Transgender, Non-Binary, and LGBTQ Youth
Featuring Resources and Information for:
- Support
- Counseling & Health Services
- Crisis Lines
- Prevention and Intervention
- Social Opportunities
Download our Veterans Peer Support Resource Guide
- Social & Peer Connection
- Crisis Line Information
- Contacts for Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Mesa, Montrose & Pitkin Counties