1-888-217-1215 wc211@wc211.org


Recovery Support

Amos Counseling – Sober Living Recovery Homes

Description: Sober living homes for those looking to strengthen their sobriety in an environment that promotes safety and security. Men’s house holds 8 members and one house manager. Women’s house holds 7 members and one house manager.

Phone: 970.778.4360

Website: www.amossoberhousingassociation.com

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) – Support Groups

Description: Narcotics Anonymous is a nonprofit fellowship for recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. The website for Narcotics Anonymous in the state of Colorado is www.nacolorado.org. Local Mesa County group is called The Serenity Unlimited Area of NA. Based in Grand Junction, the Area serves western Colorado and eastern Utah.

Phone: 970.457.4475

Website: www.nacolorado.org/serenityunlimited

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Support Groups

Description: Support groups for those struggling with substance use disorder, specifically alcohol. List of meetings available on their website.

Phone: 970.245.9649

Website: www.aa-westerncolorado.com

Peer Services

Description: Provides opportunities for recovering individuals to connect with others who have also experienced mental health or substance use disorder issues.

Phone: 970.639-3704

Website: www.mindspringshealth.org

Alano Club

Description: A private social club providing meeting space for 12 step programs and a safe environment for sobriety.

Phone: 970.245.9649

Website: www.aa-westerncolorado.com/locations/alano-club/

Pear ReSET-O- Phone App

Description: reSET® is a 12 week (90 days) prescription-only digital therapeutic for treatment of patients with substance use disorder, who are not currently on opioid replacement therapy, who do not abuse alcohol solely, or who do not abuse opioids as their primary substance of abuse. Patients must be currently enrolled in outpatient treatment under the supervision of a clinician.

Grand Valley Catholic Outreach – La Mariposa Women’s Recovery Program

Description: La Mariposa is a support group for women struggling with addictions who are or have been homeless.

Phone: 970.241.3658

Website: www.catholicoutreach.org

Mind Springs Health – Women’s Recovery Center

Description: 90 day transitional living and holistic recovery from drug and alcohol abuse with a focus on physical and mental health, emotional wellbeing, spiritual growth and social needs.

Phone: 970.241.6023

Website: www.mindspringshealth.org/treatment-services/existing-mind-springs-clients/womensrecovery-


Peer Recovery Coach

Description: A Peer Recovery Coach is a person with a history of addiction and living a life of sustained
recovery. They can help people in need of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) get connected to
available treatment providers in their area. They also assist people in obtaining services that suit the
individual’s recovery needs.

Phone: 970.216.0366

Recovery Community of Western Colorado

Description: Provides public education and awareness, policy advocacy and change, peer based – other recovery and support services and activities, networking resources to meet recovery needs, commitment to recovery and sobriety and sustainability of a drug and crime free lifestyle, and 12-step support groups.

Phone: 970.712.9982
Website: www.rcwest.org

LifeSteps Recovery Community – Downtown Vineyard Church

Description: A spiritual-based recovery support group for anyone dealing with life challenges, trauma, or addictions. Individuals go through an 18 week course through faith-based study to help them overcome life challenges. Individuals will get to participate in Worship, sharing their recovery stories, and attend gender-specific open discussion groups. Meetings are on Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at the Downtown Vineyard Church, 402 Grand Ave, Grand Junction, 81501. Child care provided.

Email: lsfyog@gmail.com

Celebrate Recovery – Clifton Christian Church

Description: Recovery support group that meets in the main sanctuary of Clifton Christian Church, 3241 F ¼ Rd., Clifton, CO 81520. Meetings are on Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Child care is provided free of charge.

Phone: (970) 234-4812 (Claudia Daniels)